SketchUp - Repair STL
For 3D printers it is necessary that the 3D models to be printed consist of closed volumes.
SketchUp Solid Inspector²
For 3D printers it is necessary that the 3D models to be printed consist of closed volumes.
Noesis - Convert RIP to STL
In the first part of the series we generated a snapshot from a computer game. However, the files are in a format that we cannot use.
STL thumbnails for Windows
Anyone who handles 3D printers is not able to avoid the *.stl file format.
Edit tabletop trees
In the first part of the series I downloaded a *.stl file from a Thingiverse customizer.
Lego Technic tractor tires
My current project is the construction of a remote-controlled tractor (our own tractor as a model) with Lego technic, including motors and servos.
Mein erster FDM 3D-Drucker. Der einzige Kaufgrund war damals, dass er günstig war und trotzdem recht gute Spezifikationen aufwies. Leider habe ich mit der Zeit festgestellt, dass man bei dem Drucker sehr viel rumprobieren muss. Read more…
Tools & Accessories
Anycubic Photon UV protection
Unfortunately my photon was delivered with a blue UV-protection.